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Chard Area Resilience
Group (CARG)

A coming together of volunteers aiming for actions to help and benefit the community.

Weʼre raising £7,000 to fund equipment for our growing number of volunteers and to cover recurring costs such as meeting venue hire, consumables and website costs.

Can you help?


Perhaps we should open with some guidance from our Committee:

Don’t Panic!


Thank you to Douglas Adams for inspiration. Douglas explained in his book, “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, that this was his advice — partly because the device "looked insanely complicated" to operate. Today, this equally applies to Local and Central Government viewed from the perspective of the regular, person in the street.

In the short time since forming we have achieved a huge amount because we realise that it’s down to us to make noise and push back!


We are busy working on behalf of all of us. We want to help protect from future flooding and other civil incidents by increasing resilience through fact-finding, illustrative design and sketches based on evidence, the “voice of reason”, sharing information and community cooperation.

Association Objectives
  1. To function as an umbrella organisation (not linked to any political party) on behalf of its membership, which is open to local residents & businesses, associations & amenity groups, County & District Councils, Parish Councils and Town Councils operating within the designated area, as shown on the map attached as an annexe to this Constitution.

  2. To strengthen the collective voice on matters of common interest.

  3. To act as a communication and information dissemination hub and to provide a forum for debate on matters of common interest.

  4. To make representations to, and have discussions with, those with responsibility for policy, planning and implementation in the local area (including Councillors and Officers in Local Authorities). Examples include flooding causes and impact, a safer & improved environment, economic prosperity and the consideration of local and Local Plan proposed development.

  5. To make representations to, and have discussions with, developers and others on behalf of members.

  6. To make the views of the Association known to the media in a non-political manner.

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If you are interested in becoming part of CARG, signing up for our mailing list or any other enquiries, please complete the contact form.


Please join us on the CARG facebook group where you'll find all the latest views and activities in your area!

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